Curt Blog

NeoProg Politics, Philosophy, and Culture

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Location: North Hollywood, California, United States

honest, intelligent, dependable and a nice guy

Friday, August 27, 2004

The Pledge

I pledge allegiance to Dick Cheney and the MegaCorps of America
and to the Republicans for which they stand, one Nation under W,
unaccountable with Liberty and Profits for Oligarchs.

How’s that, Dick? If we all sign an oath of loyalty and pledge our allegiance to
Commander W - our virtuous and strong yet compassionate (but not too sensitive)
fearless leader -will he save us from the Shadowy Evildoer Terrorists?


Actually, it is elected officials who swear to represent the interests of the citizens
and protect the Constitution - The Law - of the United States. W and the gang are
not doing a very good job at either. Look and you will see record national debt,
record deficit, record trade imbalance, record skewed tax cuts, record pork spending,
record wages of wars of choice, record outsourcing of jobs, more poverty, less
medical coverage, aging infrastructure nationwide, record Boomer retirement looming -
the economy is a mess mostly bolstered by a record housing bubble. W says it is
the best economy in 20 years. Does he ever stop lying?Do you honestly think
this Gang would willingly do anything that might hurt the bottom line of the top tier?
Do you really think W is smart enough to turn it all around? There is no evidence
for that intelligence either!

George W Bush hears a voice in his head. He thinks it is (an angry) God speaking
through him. I would not want to bet my country on that - God is not incompetent!
Bush is.

Maybe you think that W and the Gang are strong and ruthless, so they will better
protect us from our enemies. Actually, with a dangerous blend of arrogance/ ideology/
incompetence, they are making more people hate America then ever before -
including many of our allies. This Gang has outed intelligence agents - foreign
and domestic - and leaked secret intelligence to Israel, Iran, and Pakistan.
George Weaker Bush is not strong intellectually or emotionally. For example,
W whined weakly and wilted when asked a few semi-tough questions by an Irish
journalist. He even had to have VP Cheney chaperone him to meet with the 9/11
Commission. It was probably difficult to explain that seven minutes of helpless
bewildered befuddlement that day while a hijacked plane was heading unchallenged
for the Pentagon. How will he conjure up the courage to face John Kerry in the debates?
May I suggest:


Just think of what a great production for the MediaCorp! Cheney can rescue Bush
from the intellectual advantage of Kerry and Bush can rescue Cheney from the
personality advantage of Edwards. A spectacular show - for one and all - that can
be almost totally devoid of any substantive dialog.

I think the lawyers John/John will win in the end against the Above All Law Gang.
I think the mask is coming off, and the People will get wise to these guys and
dump them hard. I think there will be long coat tails and more gains in 2006.
This brush with a wannabe American Emperor has been very unpleasant for
the whole world. Kerry is more intelligent and more experienced. Actually,
he has already fought in an unnecessary unpopular war based on lies - like Iraq -
then he helped lead us out of that war in Viet Nam.

The Pledge is for allegiance to the Union and the Constitution - not a politician.
The United States of America is a nation of laws. These laws must abide by
the letter and spirit of our Constitution - including free speech and the separation
of church and state. The Pledge of Allegiance should be modified as follows:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands, one Nation under LAW, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

Then let us get about the business of making that Pledge a reality......curt


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