Curt Blog

NeoProg Politics, Philosophy, and Culture

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Location: North Hollywood, California, United States

honest, intelligent, dependable and a nice guy

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Curt Reply (intro)

My name is Curt - I’m an Idea man. This blog is a place for me to offer
my perspective and opinion on some of the many things we need to
discuss and debate as a country, and even more importantly as a species.
Only the truth is sustainable and acceptable -

I aim to contribute my part to that dialog (even if nobody is listening).

I can only hope for the wisdom to know that I am not as smart as I think
I am - yet aspire to be. Mine is just one more opinion, but my particular
cerebral configuration has always seemed to be conducive to bouts of
spontaneous creative thinking. I often count on this ability to write songs.
Also, compared to most people, my Corpus Colossus seems wired to allow
an enhanced level of communication between the two halves of my brain.
Besides making me half left handed and half right handed, I believe that
this trait helps me to better see multiple sides of an issue in the context
of the bigger longer term picture. The logical part of my brain craves facts
and information, so I spend several hours a day monitoring the internet,
cable (satellite) news, books and magazines - and I have a high retention
rate. When I analyze the critical information there, the logical part of my
brain seeks truth and sustainability, while the creative part of my brain
occasionally flashes upon some insight to possible solutions/relationships.

Ideas can evolve from there.


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