Curt Blog

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Location: North Hollywood, California, United States

honest, intelligent, dependable and a nice guy

Saturday, August 14, 2004

George WMD Bush

Turns out, it really does matter who the President of the United States is -
George WMD Bush is proof! Why worry about his “smash and grab”
policies and his “see Spot run” philosophies? After all, there are riches to
amass and power to engage in a world he and his friends think only they
deserve to control. Why ask questions? Why worry about what the other
6 billion people on the planet think? We can fight them all - just pay your
taxes and go to work (if you have a job) and shop a lot (charge it if you
have no cash) and be an obedient patriot (Republican). Don’t worry, the
Administration will take care of everything else. Okay, maybe that little
matter about Weapons of Mass Destruction did not pan out quite as
advertised - and things are admittedly a bit messy over there where all
that Oil is - but if you simply apply a little selective intelligent interpretation -
WMD is actually all around us.


We were all Wantonly Misled Deceptively by Wannabe Mafia Dictators
to invade Iraq as Wielders of Mock Democracy with a coalition of the
Willing Meek and Despotic. Mostly, George WMD Bush and Company
were Wussies and Military Dodgers but are now Warmongers of Mega
Devastation seeking World Military Domination.

Here at home, this Administration of White Male Dummies operates a
Whitehouse of Mental Dysfunction with a Congress controlled by ethicless
Whores of Moral Desecration committing Wholesale Monetary Depletion under
cover of Willing Media Distortion. These Wranglers of Madcow Diseases
do not tolerate much Wisdom and Mute Dissent. So crank up those Weapons
of Mass Deforestation baby, The Resident says we’re aheadin' for the Tongass
and some Old Growth - and then on to Wallop the Muddled Democrats in 2004
With Machines by Diebold for four more years of War, Manipulation and
Decimation of the Bill of Rights.

Lies? George WMD Bush said What Makes the Difference? We Must Deliver
the answer to him - no more Wallowing Mucho Deceit - W Meets Defeat
(If not - then Impeach!) We the People and Our Constitution urgently
require a different Administration and Congress.

(originally posted 1/03/04)


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